Carcinoid Syndrome


Themed collection: carcinoid syndrome Endocrine Oncology collection banner


Endocrine Oncology is pleased to announce a themed collection entitled ‘Carcinoid Syndrome’. The carcinoid syndrome is the most frequent hormonal syndrome encountered in patients with advanced neuroendocrine neoplasms. This syndrome is predominantly encountered in patients with small intestinal neuroendocrine tumors metastasized to the liver. The presence of carcinoid syndrome is accompanied by an impaired quality of life and overall survival. Many hormones have been postulated to contribute to the symptoms of diarrhoea, flushing, bronchospasms and fibrosis, but serotonin plays a central role in the pathophysiology of carcinoid syndrome. Recent developments in therapies targeting the serotonin pathway or somatostatin receptors have evolved the management of carcinoid syndrome. However, much is still to be discovered of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying carcinoid syndrome as well as the optimal treatment of patients with this debilitating disease.

If you are interested in contributing an article to this collection, please submit your article proposal to


Articles published within the special collection:


The role of serotonin inhibition within the treatment of carcinoid syndrome
Joel George, John Ramage, Benjamin White and Rajaventhan Srirajaskanthan


Collection editor:


Justo P Castaño
Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba,
Reina Sofía University Hospital and University of Cordoba, Spain